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Kick-off 1+Million genomes project in Belgium

On 24th November 2020, Szymon Bielecki (EC DG Connect) gave a general overview of the EC 1+M genomes initiative, some ‘history’, the current status and the future development. Serena Scollen (ELEXIR) presented the CSA ‘Beyond 1MG”, where they are to date, what is to come and what is expected from the national Mirror group and Belgian experts. Christian Léonard (Sciensano) Indicated the importance of ELSI aspects beyond the GDPR with this initiative. He explored contextual challenges in different countries on public acceptance, engagement, empowerment and how to map/address the concerns, opportunities and challenges. Herman Van Oyen (Sciensano) presented the EC Health data space initiatives and how the Healthdata space interacts with the 1M genome initiative. He explain what is understood by a Health Research and Innovation Cloud and how it could be constructed, what can be expected and who and what will be needed. Diether Lambrechts (VIB ) documented the activities at research level in Belgium on cancer genomics (esp. implying WGS e.g. cancer, genetics,…). He showed how VIB as a trans-institutional organization envisages participation, implementation of these activities.. Elfriede Debaere (College of Genetics) gave a the status of WGS application in genetics (research and healthcare), the nearby/future opportunities and challenges at different levels (logistic, expertise, application, ….). She explored on the role of the College in this initiative. Annelies Flameygh (Superior Health Council): summarized the different activities, advices that the SHC has prepared during the last decade within the Public Health Genomics group (NIPT, Carrier Screening, …) and explained ongoing activities in this field at SHC.

Read the Project Presentation:



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